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Ronel S.
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About me
I've always had this dream of owning and managing my guesthouse... Unfortunately, I've never had the privilege of owning a suitable property - and I am still awaiting the ship-loads of cash to arrive so I can purchase one! Hence, this opportunity is indeed a dream come true to me. My daughter bought this apartment a couple of years ago and lived here for a mere couple of months. Being a truly exceptional person, cum laude student and five-star employee, her employer didn't waste time shipping her off to their head office in London, to join their company's core team in the United Kingdom. This led to this little gem falling into my hands and we agreed to turn this into an as-close-to-guesthouse-as-we-can-get and within-the-rules-of-the-estate guest "house"...probably better to call it our guest apartment... Nonetheless, this place is very dear to me and I've taken a lot of time and effort to turn it into the space you'll walk into and (hopefully) enjoy as much as I did to arrive at this very moment.
Your hobbies
In my free time, I enjoy reading, photography, any type of puzzle (sudoko, cross-words, jigsaw puzzles), or dabbling in something creative as drawing, macrame, painting...depends on my mood and what I feel drawn to at that specific moment. I have a passion for exploring new places and would love to do more traveling - locally and abroad. My next long-term goal, is to be able to buy a camper-van and travel through our beautiful country and explore even the smallest little town I may come across - I'd love to "nomad" for at least one year....who knows, it may just become my permanent way of life...

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Registration on Flatio
สิงหาคม 2024

Ronel is a verified owner.
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