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Help for tenants

Reservation request

How can I book my selected accommodation?
What does the Flatio reservation process look like and how can it be done? See our guidance in this explanatory article!
What is the service fee and why do I have to pay it?
Learn all about the one-time service fee - why it's paid, how it's calculated, and what services we provide you with in exchange!
How long does it take for the landlord to respond to my reservation request?
Landlords on Flatio have time to respond to your reservation request. Read how this process works and when you'll know their decision!
What happens after the landlord approves my reservation request?
Wondering what process follows after a landlord accepts your reservation request? The next steps are up to you! Learn more below.
Michal from IT
Did you find any bugs? Do you have any product feedback? Don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] so we can fix it!
The landlord has rejected my reservation request. What should I do?
What could be the reason for a landlord rejecting your reservation request, and what can you do afterward? Find out in this article!
The landlord hasn't responded to my reservation request. What should I do?
What if a landlord doesn't react to your reservation request within the 24-hour window? See why it can happen and what you can do about it!
Can I cancel my reservation request?
Have you changed your mind about the accommodation after creating a reservation request? In this article, you can learn how it can be canceled…