Flatio, Prague - Monthly rentals with a human touch
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Prague, เช็ก: Read reviews from both tenants and landlords who've had rental experiences in this destination!

Tereza H. Tenant
Jsem velice spokojená. Veškeré informace včas a bezchybné.
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06.07.2023 Prague
Katerina G. Tenant
Potěšil mě hladký průběh, komunikace a upozornění na platby, na termín předání bytu, na co si dát pozor apod.
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19.06.2023 Prague
Jan-Georg S. Landlord
I am very happy with the Flatio business model: maintaining a good website, setting up good contracts, sending reminders, but not offering extensive services such as in-place visits that would necessarily drive up the cost. There is one thing I am missing: it would be great if I could set the currency to euro (and all money would be handled via euro accounts) or KC depending on who is my tenant. This could reduce currency exchange expenses
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19.06.2023 Prague
Zuzana S. Landlord
Nastavení času min. rezervace dle data range (např. pokud mám mezeru mezi nájemci, jsem ok s 5 dny, ale nerada bych v měla v měsíci 6 nájemců. Naprosto nefungující zákaznický servis, nelze se dovolat někomu live. 24 hodin na odpověď je neakceptovatelné! Zaměstnanci jsou v pořádku, moc milí a nápomocní, ale samotné nastavení customer servisu je naprostá bída neodpovídající 21. století. Vina je na straně vedení.
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19.06.2023 Prague
Viera Š. Tenant
Výborne, rýchlo vybavené. Výhodou bola aj zľava, ktorú ste poskytli pri skoršom objednaní.
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31.05.2023 Prague
Emutiva K. Tenant
Thank you so much guys! keep up with a good work :))
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15.06.2023 Prague
Svitlana S. Tenant
A very convenient site, you choose, book, sign a contract, pay, all points can be resolved with the support service.
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19.06.2023 Prague
Viera Š. Tenant
Pekne vypracované ponuky.
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22.07.2022 Prague
Joseph W. Tenant
Good options for Prague.
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19.06.2023 Prague
Ester G. Landlord
I would definately recommend.
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18.06.2023 Prague
Lukáš B. Landlord
Actually I did already recommend. I am very satisfied with Flatio service.
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18.06.2023 Prague
Christopher C. Tenant
Everything was very transparent with Flatio and I think the service is great for medium and longer term stays. The landlord I had was very helpful and the flat I rented was as described.
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18.06.2023 Prague
Frida B. Tenant
Easy to use.
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17.06.2023 Prague
Michaela N. Landlord
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16.06.2023 Prague
Sheryl R. Tenant
I didn't have any problems with Flatio - everything was fine.
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14.06.2023 Prague
Brian C. Tenant
Flatio does more lease paperwork and reminders compared to Airbnb
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14.06.2023 Prague
Kamila B. Tenant
Jednoduché, prehledne. Určitě bych doporučila.
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16.06.2023 Prague
Miloslava C. Tenant
Rychlá registrace
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16.06.2023 Prague
Luke G. Tenant
Ease of use
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16.06.2023 Prague
Liubov P. Tenant
the possibility of a medium-term lease
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29.08.2022 Prague
Miroslav K. Tenant
Dostupná cena pěkně bydleni
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01.06.2023 Neratovice
Zdenka K. Tenant
Jednoduche zprostredkovani bydleni
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11.12.2022 Prague
Valeria M. Tenant
Es la primera página en la que encuentro lo que busco y es sencilla de utilizar.
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13.06.2023 Prague
Roshan L. Tenant
Service is very up-to date. I loved the service offered by flatio. Thank You.
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03.06.2023 Prague